Panna Dokatta
Hello. It’s Pete Hindle, with cake news from Dokapi.
No newsletter last week as I was sick. Remember last Monday? It was 32 degrees and then there was a thunderstorm. I’m from a country where 17 degrees can be described as a nice summer’s day, and after about 25 degrees I am useless.
To combat the heat I’ve been making panna cotta, as above. It’s a sort of fancy milk pudding that I’ve been throwing berries and chocolate into. It’s also super cheap, so we’ve been testing the pricing at somewhere between 50 cents and one whole euro. The third version is available now.
Also available are some cakes. The dependable summer stalwart, lemon drizzle cake, and for chocolate fans a chocolate treacle brownie with raspberries. Es ist sehr klebrig.
Also, big thanks to Jana, who has been dropping off excellent cakes at Dokapi for the past two weeks. I’ve been both busy AND sick, so these cakes were very well timed.